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Re: wxWindows

Il y a aussi le Fox Toolkit qui vaut le coup d'oeil.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nicolas Marchildon" <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: qc.comp.os.linux.general
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 12:06 AM
Subject: wxWindows

Quelqu'un a déjà essayé ça?

"Time will tell whether wxWindows will become the standard framework for
implementing GTK+ and GNOME applications, or even the standard for Linux
GUI programming in general. There are other frameworks around, such as
Qt which finds favour among many Linux afficianados, but Qt is only free
on Linux, and is carefully controlled by its owner, TrollTech.
wxWindows, on the other hand, is free for all supported platforms, and
is a more open project. It is currently the only cross-platform C++ tool
to target GTK+. It's easy to see the attraction of wxWindows for
developers wishing to develop on Linux, other Unix platforms, and
Windows; even on Linux alone, there may well be the need to provide
customers with separate Motif, GTK+ and even Xt executables. A developer
no longer needs to make hard choices about which envoronments to
support, and which to ignore."
