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[Fwd: ANNOUNCEMENT: Mozilla dot Party dot Montreal dot qc dot ca!]

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT: Mozilla dot Party dot Montreal dot qc dot ca!
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 15:41:05 -0400
From: Evan Prodromou <[email protected]>
Organization: Evan Prodromou
To: Benoit Joly <[email protected]>, Eric Dorland <[email protected]>, 
Eric Leblanc <[email protected]>, Avery Penarrun <[email protected]>, 
Christian Hudon <[email protected]>, Fabien Ninoles <[email protected]>, 
Wolfgang Sourdeau <[email protected]>, Remi Lefebre <[email protected]>, 
Steven Michael Robbins <[email protected]>, Patrick Patterson 
<[email protected]>, Frederic Lepied <[email protected]>, Patrick 
Bernier <[email protected]>, Francis Provencher <[email protected]>, Phillip 
Vandry <[email protected]>, Chris Gray <[email protected]>

[Hey, everybody. I got tired of waiting around for someone to make a
Mozilla party happen in Montreal, so here's an announce for
one. Thought Debianistas might be interested. It's short notice, mais
que voulez-vous? PLEASE pass this message along to any interested
parties -- especially LUGs or other Free Software orgs. Thanks! -ESP
P.S. Offers of help appreciated!]

**    M O Z I L L A   D O T   P A R T Y   D O T   M O N T R E A L   **
**                    D O T   Q C   D O T   C A                     **


In a simultaneous fête with thousands of Mozillistas around the globe,
Montréal lovers of Free Software and an open Web will be convening
this week to celebrate the release of Mozilla 1.0.0, the Free Software
event of the year.


This Wednesday, June 12th, 2002, from 9PM til closing.


The upstairs salon of
Bar Saint-Sulpice
1680 St. Dénis
Montréal, QC


The closest Métro station is Berri-UQAM, a few blocks south on
St. Dénis. You can find other directions, including a map, here:



Because Montréal is a city that loves a party. And because we had one
of the first Mozilla satellite parties, and because it feels good to
be Free.


        * Yourself
        * Your friends
        * Your will to have a good time
        * Enough money to keep yourself in beer or beverage of choice
        * Your notebook computer running Mozilla + 802.11b card (no
          promises of connectivity, though)


        * Fun Free People
        * Noise
        * Good times


        * Fun free drinks
        * Food
        * Gimmes


If you feel a need to help make this party happen, these things are
desperately needed:

        * A translation of this announcment into decent French!
        * PUBLICITY! Send this announcement to as many people or
          mailing lists you know who could be interested
        * Web space for this announcement, follow-ups
        * Some kind of wireless uplink for on-the-spot updates on the
          night of the party (there's no Internet access at
        * An 802.11b base station (dreaming, I know)
        * Free Software schwag
        * Mozilla-themed schwag
        * Mozilla-themed decorations

For further questions or offers of help, please contact Evan Prodromou
([email protected]) at 514-244-1809. Don't let the
email address fool you -- I'm right here in Montréal.


We're planning for a lot of people, but it'd be good to know sooner
rather than later if we're going to grow out of the room. So please
RSVP to the above address if you think you might make it.

Evan Prodromou
[email protected]